The participation of the congress will be accredited by a personal certificate of assistance and presentation (poster or oral communication). The participants will receive these certifications in the registration e-mail, once the meeting finishes.
Awards and discounts
The best oral communication carried out by a student (bachelor, master or predoctoral degrees) during the meeting will be awarded with a formative course of Transmitting Science, to be chosen in the 2023 offering (https://www.transmittingscience.com/). In addition, all meeting participants can also be eligible for a 20% discount in one of their courses during the following year. The awarded student and the participants should contact the staff of Transmitting Science.
The three best poster presentations carried out by a student (bachelor, master or predoctoral degrees) during the meeting will be awarded with a set of products of Principia Magazine (https://principia.io/).
Finally, all the meeting participants will enjoy a 10% discount in the La Extinción (https://laextincion.es/), a shop of games and collecting specialized in wildlife fauna (dinosaurs, sharks, prehistoric trees, giant microbes…). It is located at San Andrés Street, 23-27, local 4 (https://goo.gl/maps/v1mktoru5XVQHWYL9).
Oral communication award and discounts funded by:
Transmitting Science - @TransmitScience
Posters awards funded by:
Principia Magazine - @Principia_io
Discounts funded by: La Extinción - @laextinci0n